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7 ways to get the confidence you need

27/01/2022 | Ceilla Jewellery

Girls, we all want to be confident. We want to feel like we can take on the world and win. But sometimes it feels like that confidence is just out of reach. Like it's something that other people have and we can only watch from afar. Well, I'm here to tell you that you CAN get the confidence you need! It might not be easy, but with these seven tips, you'll be well on your way. So read on, ladies – your future confidently awaits!

Confidence is key when it comes to being a successful individual. You need to be able to hold your head up high and feel good about yourself, no matter what anyone says. Here are 7 ways to get the confidence you need in life:

1) Fake it until you make it! If you act confident, eventually you'll start to feel that way too.

2) Surround yourself with positive people who will build you up, not tear you down.

3) Make a list of your accomplishments and read them over every day. This will help remind you of all the great things you've done.

4) Stand up for yourself and don't let others walk all over you.

5) Smile often

6) Exercise. Even a little

And last but not least, love yourself.

It all starts with the first steps. Simply start by taking care of yourself. Do things that make you feel good about who you are, like cooking or getting a new haircut. Then start building your confidence up by doing small tasks every day - even if it's just making eye contact with someone for one second longer than normal. Once you've done the little things, start working on bigger goals and go from there! You can do this! And don't forget – when all else fails, think Beyonce-level fierce thoughts until that inner goddess comes out to play...because she will come out eventually if only because she knows how great Beyoncé is ;)


Ceilla x

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